Zoom Church

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SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020

Because of the COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) national quarantine, we gathered online for our worship service this Sunday. We used Zoom because the video conferencing platform allowed us all to see and talk to one another. Approximately 40 households gathered (some families, some singles). Four men lead the service, each from their own home. The worship service was designed to incorporate as much of our normal worship services as possible. The only thing we could not do easily was sing together—but we still managed to sing the Doxology to close the service. To be sure, it was a very strange AND incredibly special gathering for our church.

Open Conversation
NICK: Welcome and Instructions
NATE: Call to Worship from Psalm 145 and Prayer of Praise
ROB: Pastoral Perspective on COVID-19, Psalm 90, and Prayer of Petition and Thanksgiving
NICK: Reading Sermon Text Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 and Prayer of Confession and Preparation 
TIM: Sermon Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 (6th sermon in our study of Ecclesiastes)
ROB: Prayer of Response
TIM: Closing Announcements and Benediction
NATE: Doxology
Open Conversation

This audio recording captures most of the worship service. Unfortunately the recording started part way through. What is missing is (1) Gathering conversations before and after the service, (2) Welcome and instructions, (3) Call to Worship, and (4) the first part of Rob Spinney’s perspective on the pandemic.

Transcript of Rob’s Perspective on A Christian’s Confidence in a Pandemic.

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