Celebrating the Lord's Supper

When Winchester Baptist Church celebrates the Lord's Supper, all true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are invited. This includes Christians visiting with us as well as members of WBC. Rejoice! Christ’s followers enjoy a New Covenant with God, a covenant guaranteed by Jesus’ own blood.

Jesus Christ commanded that His people observe the Lord's Supper as a perpetual remembrance of His sacrificial and atoning death on the cross. The bread represents Jesus' body, which was broken to pay for sin. The fruit of the vine represents Jesus' blood, which was poured out for the forgiveness of sins. This celebration is, therefore, a visible gospel message, a sermon that we see rather than hear.

God's people are also commanded to examine themselves before they participate in communion. In the church at Corinth, people were weak and ill—some even died—because they participated in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:27-30). What does it mean to participate in a worthy manner? [a] One must be a regenerated, baptized disciple of Jesus. Such a person must have been justified by grace alone and through faith alone. [b] He who participates must understand the meaning and symbolism of the Lord's Supper. [c] He who would enjoy communion with the risen Christ must not be engaging in willful, flagrant, and unrepentant sin. Repentance is in order before entering into this celebration. [d] Such a Christian should be spiritually accountable to church pastors/elders and not currently under the corrective discipline of a gospel church. [e] The participant should have no fractured or strained relationships with fellow disciples. Make things right with your brothers and sisters in Christ before coming to this table. 

Does this mean that only perfect Christians should participate? No! The Lord's Supper is designed to aid sin-weary Christians who are keenly aware that they need Christ's forgiveness. This is the time when Jesus' followers are reminded afresh that their Savior took away their sins and gave them His own perfect righteousness. 

“As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup,
you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”
1 Corinthians 11:26