A Testimony of God's Faithfulness (Nick and Amy Horton)


Before we came to Winchester Baptist there was a growing need rising in our spiritual life. We felt an urgency for being challenged in our understanding of the word, for faithful teaching of the word, for a group of believers that craved community, for people who lived out a gospel centered life.

God in His kindness set about a whole series of events that eventually led Nick first to visit on his own and the following week Gabriel and I were able to visit. While I sat in the service I took in the theologically strong hymns that were chosen with care, the prayer of confession and faith, and preaching that went word for word and line by line through God’s word. It happened to be a communion Sunday and I was called to take a moment to pray at the end. Then we sang the doxology without accompaniment and the voices blended together and echoed beautifully to the Lord in that school hallway.  

After the service I gathered Gabriel from Children’s church and went to my car where I broke down and cried. God had brought me to my family.I knew I was home. In His kindness He had given me an earthly home of believers who also craved worship, community, and mission. Here I have grown in my faith, built relationships with other believers, and shared my faith as God has led me.

Through this body of believers I have been truly blessed, encouraged, and helped with my sanctification. Through this body of believers I have seen the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and my heart sings His praise for His mercy. As Robert Robinson said, “Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise.”


How did you find us?

Chances are if you have come to this church after Amy and I, I have asked you this question.

Amy and I didn't find this church searching the internet. We didn't find it on the 9Marks website. We didn't know of any Reformed Baptist churches in the region. As Amy said we were looking for.. this. We didn't know it was THIS church.. we didn't know this church existed. But.. this is what we were looking for.

SO Nick... how did you find us?

Like most of you I found Winchester Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida. Right? No?

I was at a Pastor's Conference at First Baptist Jacksonville. When walking around checking out resource tables for publishers and other ministries I stopped at The Good Book Company. I started chatting with the guy working that booth. Matt. I tell him I live in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. "Oh really? My father in law pastors a church there. Winchester Baptist Church. You should check it out." I asked some questions.. chatted about a few other things since we were both from the same area, and then moved on. Winchester Baptist was filed away... I had never heard of it... and this guy says it's reformed.

After we had visited.. we knew. This is where we needed to be. This church that God in his kindness and faithfulness had led us to at his appointed time. His Word was faithfully preached with care and love. The people! My sweet brothers and sisters, you, are the other side of that coin. The preaching and confession and theological bonafides could be exactly what we were looking for but if the members were cold or judgmental or cliquy.. we wouldn't be here.

But you are not. The warmth, and love, and welcome that we felt continues to this day. It is something I am most proud of our church for. Thank you for welcoming the stranger.

By God's grace we have found rest here. In God's providence he revealed this church to us at his appointed time. In His kindness he continues to use this church as a tool to chip away at our sin and conform us to the image of His Son.

We have run.. and exhausted ourselves... and fallen down. You, Winchester Baptist, have helped us up and set us down in a cool shady place and offered us refreshment. This Church and its ministry through the elders and members have sustained us.. comforted us.. strengthened us.

For years I prayed for this church... long before I knew it was this church. The Lord, in His faithfulness, brought us here at His appointed time. All praise To God. We love you.


This recording of Amy and Nick’s Testimonies has poor audio quality because it was outdoors.