WE BELIEVE: Grace in Regeneration
We BelieveTim WhiteRegeneration, New Birth, New Life, New Heart, New Will, New Desires, New Walk, Nicodemus, John 3, Born Again, Grace, Miracle, Doctrines of Grace
Psalm 32 Rejoicing in Forgiveness
PsalmsTim WhiteForgiveness, Forgiven, Grace, Gospel, Confession, Confess, Sin, Covering, Confessing, HIding, Hiding Place, Guilt, Shame, Joy, Singing, Blessing, Count your blessings
Psalm 31 Committing Everything into God's Hands
PsalmsTim WhiteSeven Sayings of Jesus, 7 Sayings, Commit my spirit, Trust, Entrust, Absolute Trust, Rock, Refuge, Fortress, Sin, Personal Distress, Distress, Public Disgrace, Disgrace, Shame, Run to God, Justification, Righteousness, Faithfulness, Steadfast Love, Goodness, Trustworthiness of God, Trustworthy, Hands
WE BELIEVE: The Freeness of Salvation
We BelieveTim WhiteGospel, Grace, Free, Invitation, Command, Repentance, Faith, Reformed, Calvinism, Evangelism, Required, Salvation, Blessings, John 3
Psalm 30 Dedicating the Place of Grace
PsalmsTim WhiteGrace, Temple, Ornan's Threshing Floor, Judgment, Mercy, Sin, Pride, Arrogance, Hamilton, Failure, Mess, Transformation, Temporary, Mourning, Weeping, Dancing, Gladness, Sackcloth, Guilt, Joy, Restoration
Psalm 29 Worshiping the God of the Storm
PsalmsTim WhiteJudgment, Storm, Thunder, Lightning, Peace, Gospel, Metanarrative, False gods, Power, Glory, Strength, Worship, Live, Family, Parents, Confidence
Psalm 28 Interceding for Others
PsalmsTim WhiteIntercession, Prayer, Intercessory Prayer, Jesus, King Jesus, God's King, John 17, High Priestly Prayer, Security, Gratitude, Pray, Confidence, Identity
WE BELIEVE: Justification
Jonathan Horton
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We BelieveTim WhiteJustification, Righteousness, Imputation, Eternal Life, Pardon for Sin, Forgiveness, Grace, Faith, Gospel, Confession of Faith, Identity, Works, Good Works
Hope for Hurting Parents
TopicalTim WhiteParents, Prodigal, Wayward, Apostate, Apostacy, Prayer, Trust, Gospel, Deconstruction, Grief, Children, Adult Children
Psalm 27 Experiencing a Day of Trouble
PsalmsTim WhiteTrouble, Difficulty, Problems, Prayer, Praise, Help, Need, Confidence, Word, Church, God's Presence, Peace, Stronghold, One Thing, Priority, Faith, Desperation
Psalm 26 Leading with Integrity
PsalmsTim WhiteLeadership, Leaders, Faithful, Criticism, False Accusations, Response, Humility, Anger, Pride, Faithfulness, Parenting, Elders, Managers, Grace
WE BELIEVE: The Way of Salvation
We BelieveTim WhiteWay of Salvation, Jesus, Method, Morality, Moralism, Culture, Religion, Gospel, Mediator, Person, Incarnation, Jesus Christ, Savior
Acts 20:28 Charge to Church Leaders
TopicalTim WhiteChurch Leaders, Leaders, Leadership, Glory, Grace, Gospel, Elders, Deacons, Qualifications, Installation, Charge
Psalm 25 Dealing with Guilt
PsalmsTim WhiteGuilt, Sin, Past Sin, Sins of Youth, Former Life, Trust, Confidence, Grace, Forgiveness, Pardon, Trouble, Consequences, Confession, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon, Desire, Righteousness, Attributes of God, Love, Mercy, Covenant, Sinners
WE BELIEVE: The Fall of Man
We BelieveTim WhiteFall of Man, Sin, Depravity of Man, Gospel, Grace, Sinners, Condemnation, Judgment, Parenting, Children, Confession of Faith, We Believe, Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism
Psalm 24 Coming to Worship
PsalmsTim WhiteKing, Kingship, Far Far Away, Processional, Victory, Creator, Ascent, Enthronement, Worship, Approaching God, Blessing, Righteousness, Sin, Clean Hands, Pure Heart, Inward, Outward, Gospel, King Jesus, Coronation, Call to Worship
Psalm 23 Trusting our Shepherd
PsalmsTim WhiteShepherd, Sheep, Flock, Valley of the Shadow of Death, Death, Dying, Peace, Comfort, Confidence, Anxiety, Fear, Contentment, Leadership, Walk, Follow, Feasting, Enemies, Difficulty, Suffering, Joy, God's Presence
Psalm 22 Feasting with the Messiah
PsalmsTim WhiteFeasting, Votive Feast, Vow Offering, Praise, Proclamation, Proclaiming, Suffering, Sacrifice, Cross, Messiah, Christ, Jesus, Calvary, My God
Psalm 21 Celebrating the Victory
PsalmsTim WhiteResurrection, Easter, Victory, Battle, War, Sin, Death, Satan, King, King Jesus, Messiah, Crown, Life, Eternal Life, Enemy, Heart Desire, Security, Favor
WE BELIEVE: The True God
Jonathan Horton
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We BelieveTim WhiteWe Believe, Doctrine, Theology, God, Godness, Trust, Atheism, Polytheism, Naturalism, Diety, Immortal, Unchangeable, Portrait, Revelation of God