Jesus: The Living Water (John 4)

In the first three chapters of his gospel, John shows that “Jesus has come to his own and his own people did not receive him.” So, in chapter four, Jesus goes. He goes where no self-respecting Jew would go, to Samaria.

Jesus goes because he has been sent on a mission by his Father. Notice the progression and pattern of his mission: he preaches the gospel to Jerusalem (John 2:13-3:21), Judea (John 3:22-36), Samaria (John 4:1-42), and, potentially even to the Gentiles (John 4:43-54) if the royal official is a Gentile and not a Galilean Jew.

Jesus has been sent by His Father into a condemned world as a provision for salvation for all who would repent and believe. This is his mission, and this is the mission on which he sends each of his disciples. Is the mission of Jesus your mission?

An expository overview of John 4
     1. His mission determines his priorities. 4:1-3
     2. His mission crosses cultural boundaries. 4:4-6
     3. His mission includes despised and sinful people. 4:7-30
     4. His mission sustains his joy. 4:31-38
     5. His mission brings many people to God. 4:39-45
     6. His mission distinguishes between genuine faith and spurious faith. 4:46-54

As part of his mission to the Samaritans, Jesus intentionally interacts with a woman who is considered to be an outcast, even in a society of outcasts. Their conversation takes place by a well. Jesus speaks to this woman about his physical thirst so that he might reveal her spiritual thirst. As we listen in, we gain a great picture of who Jesus is as The Living Water, and we leave the well knowing how to quench the thirst of our souls.

Jesus: The Living Water
John 4:7-30

Main Point: The thirst of our soul can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ, the Living Water.
Consider this truth in three parts...
     1. There is a thirst in the soul of every person.
     2. People seek to satisfy that thirst by drinking from various wells.
     3. The thirst of our soul can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ, the Living Water.