2 Timothy 2:14-19 To Rightly Handle the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteScripture, Word, Bible, Hermenuetics, Interpretation, Study, Preaching, Clarity, Perspicuity, Revelation, Doctrine, Sound Doctrine, False Doctrine, False Gospel, False Teachers, Heresy, Remind, Quarreling, Debating, Words, Avoid, Korah, Foundation
Psalm 19 Responding to God's Glory
PsalmsTim WhiteGlory, Creation, Sky, Scripture, God's Word, God's Glory, Revelation of God, Son, Worship, Sin, Guilt, Grace, Redeemer, Portal, Sun
WE BELIEVE: The Scriptures
We BelieveTim WhiteConfession of Faith, Doctrine, Scripture, Word of God, Authority, Words of Life, Martin Luther, Textual Criticism, Expressive Individualism, Relativism, Expository Preaching, Worship, Community, Mission, Word-Saturated
Expressive Individualism (2)
TopicalTim WhiteWorld View, Church, Membership, Self, Emotions, Feelings, Desires, Intuitions, Instincts, Authority, Scripture, Self-Denial, Self-Expression
Psalm 1 Delighting in God's Word
Psalms, Psalm 1Tim WhiteWord, Scripture, Law of the Lord, Wisdom, Delight, Tree, Flourishing, Blessed, Blessing, Righteous, Wicked, Perishing, Two Ways to Live
1 CorintHians 14:26-40 Spiritual Gifts (5)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteWorship, Worship Service, Worship Gathering, Church, Scripture, Word, Character, Prophecy, Tongues, Gift of Tongues, Gift of Prophecy, Spiritual Gifts, Regulative Principle, Edification, Building up
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 Headship
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteHeadship, Head Coverings, Authority, Church, Male Leadership, Gender, Submission, Worship Service, Traditions, Scripture, Authority of Scripture, Culture
Isaiah 47-48 Gospel of Peace
IsaiahTim WhitePeace, Flourishing, God the Father, Wicked, Word of God, Scripture, Obedience, Self-Sufficiency, Man-Made Religion, Grace, Stubbornness
Isaiah 28-33 Lessons on Trust
Elder Ordination: Allen Bowers
TopicalTim Whiteelder, ordination, 1 Peter 5, Pastor, Shepherd, Church, Scripture, Ministry, Installation, Ordain
How Do We Handle Disputed Texts? Mark 16:9-20
MarkTim WhiteScripture, Inspiration, Inerrancy, Chicago Statement of Faith, Textual Variants, Disputed Texts, Interpretation, Hermenuetics, You can trust your Bible, Bible, Word of God, Reliability, Preservation
Jesus Exposes Religion Mark 7:1-23 (Outside)
MarkTim WhiteRelgion, Heart, Sin, Moral, Ritual, Washing, Clean, Defiled, Unclean, Holy, Gospel, Scripture, Commandments, Traditions, Worship
Responding to the Word Nehemiah 9-10
Gospel of God Romans 1:1-7
Romans, Romans 1Tim WhiteTim White, Romans, Gospel, Gospel of God, Scripture, God's Word, God's Son, God's Grace, God's Glory, God's People, Nations, Evangelism, Glory, Grace, Paul, Church Planting, Ordinary
God's Prophet: Samuel - 1 Samuel 1-3
Why We Still Need the Reformation Romans 1:16-17; 3:21-31
Occasional Sermons, TopicalTim WhiteRob Spinney, Reformation, Scripture, Christ, Faith, Grace, Glory of God, Sola, False Religion, Catholic
The Community of Grace 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Christians Receive the Word 1 John 1:1-4
Psalms of Wisdom Psalm 1
Sampler of the PsalmsTim WhitePsalms, Wisdom, Word, Scripture, Gospel, Law, Good, LORD, Blessing, Two Ways to Live, Jesus, Delight, Tim White