7 Blessings of Church Membership by Jay and Patricia Crandell

On September 13, 2015, we celebrated our 3rd Anniversary as a church. During our worship service, we asked Jay and Patricia Crandell to share a testimony of God's faithfulness. Jay serves as one of our deacons and on our music team. Patricia serves in children's ministries and on our accounting team. What they shared as "seven blessings from God" to them really paints a beautiful picture of the grace of God to us through church membership.

Seven blessings that God has poured out to us through our relationship with the other members of Winchester Baptist Church:

1. We have experienced a great sense of care, stability and security in the leadership God has provided for this church.
2. We have witnessed the presence of unity, love and grace in a fellowship that is humble toward God.
3. We have sat under teaching, from the pulpit and from others, that has kept us near the cross and on mission.
4. We have enjoyed many friendships that encourage and sharpen us, if not directly then by example.
5. We have noticed a willingness to put the interest of others first.
6. We have become part of the body of Christ where the gifts of its members are fitted together for His service, without grumbling or complaining.
7. We have been encouraged by worship that is God centered.