Jesus: The Risen Lord (John 20)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the climax of his life, ministry, and mission.

In his account, John presents it as the rising of the Son after the dark night of his passion. G. Campbell Morgan views it from the Father’s perspective: “The supreme value of the resurrection lies in the fact that it was a Divine act, by which God gave attestation to His perfect satisfaction with the work of Christ.” One could also see the resurrection as the victory of the Son over His enemies. After all, Jesus said, “I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18) For all of its multi-faceted glory, the resurrection is nothing less than the coronation of Jesus as Lord!

One cannot overstate its significance. For example, look at the resurrection from the opposite perspective. Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians 15 that if there is no resurrection, Christianity is worthless!
    1. Our Preaching is Meaningless because we are preaching a dead savior
    2. Our Faith Worthless because we are trusting a dead savior
    3. Our Sources are Useless because we are believing false witnesses
    4. Our Position is Powerless because we are depending on a dead savior
    5. Our Future is Hopeless because we are hoping in a dead savior
    6. Our Sacrifice is Pointless because we are sacrificing for a dead savior

While the resurrection of Jesus is clearly the climax of the story, I am afraid that it is not the climax for many of us. All to often, Christians climax with the cross — and the resurrection is reduced to a necessary after thought. No doubt, the cross is an essential and glorious truth. May we never diminish its significance. But none of the gospel writers stopped at the cross. Not because the resurrection is a simple fact that must be included in the narrative, but because the life, ministry, and work of Christ is not finished without it!

Jesus: The Risen Lord
John 20

John presents the resurrection of Jesus in three ways:

1. The resurrection of Jesus is the CLIMAX of the story.

2. The resurrection of Jesus is a CALL to believe.
    a. Look at the evidence that John presents.
    b. Look at the response of these four people or groups of people to the resurrection.
          i. John (8)
         ii. Mary (16-18)
        iii. The Disciples (20b, 25)
        iv. Thomas (28)
    c. Look at the invitation John gives. (30-31)
        For John, the great end of the resurrection is that you might believe.

3. The resurrection of Jesus is a COMMISSION to go.
    a. He gives them his commission. (21)
    b. He gives them his Spirit. (22)
    c. He gives them his authority. (23)