Unity in Christ (Philippians 2:1-5)

Unity in Christ
Philippians 2:1-5

We, as the church, are called to UNITY through HUMILITY that is rooted in the sacrifice of CHRIST on the cross.

1. A call to UNITY. (2:1-2)
    a. Unity is greatly desired in the church because it speaks to the worth of the gospel. (v2)
    b. Unity is based on the shared experience of the grace of God in the church. (v1)
    c. Unity is working toward oneness in mind, heart, soul, and purpose. (v2)

2. Unity comes from HUMILITY (2:3-4)
    a. Humility does not come naturally to sinners. (v3-4)
    b. Humility glorifies God and invites His grace.
    c. Humility results in others-mindedness. (v3-4)
         i. Base Attitude: Counting others as more significant that yourself. (v3)
        ii. Base Action: Looking to the needs of others rather than your own. (v4)

3. Humility comes from CHRIST (2:5)
    a. Humility is the new mind we have in Christ. (v5)
    b. Humility grows as we look at the humility and sacrifice of Christ. (v6-8)