Friendship with God: Mike McKinley
Guest Speakers, TopicalTim WhiteJohn Owen, Communion, Relationship, Union, Friendship, Father, Son, Spirit, Trinity, Fellowship, Spiritual Growth, Intimacy, Grace
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Lord's Supper
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteCommunion, Division, Indifference, Indulgence, Self-Centeredness, Service, Others-Minded, Sacrifice, Purpose, Instructions, Socio-Economic, Partiality
1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Christian Liberty (4)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteFreedom, Communion, Lord's Supper, Participation, Spiritual Participation, Faith, Reformers, Eucharist, Sacraments, Ordinances, Unity, False Religion, Catholicism, Religious Associations, Idolatry, Meat offered to idols
Isaiah 63-64 Prayer for Grace
IsaiahTim WhiteRemember, Grace, Mercy, Steadfast Love, Love, Faithfulness of God, Unfaithfulness, Prone to Wander, History, God's Plan of Redemption, Communion
Judgment of Hypocrisy Romans 2:1-5
Romans, Romans 1Tim WhiteTim White, Judgment, Hypocrisy, Wrath, Religion, Security, Gospel, Morality, Moralism, God-Fearing, Judging Others, Communion, Lord's Supper, Cross