1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 Christian Liberty (5)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteFreedom, Liberty, Decisions, Soli Deo Gloria, Glory of God, Gospel of Christ, Good of Others, Neighbor, Love, Meat offered to idols
1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Christian Liberty (4)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteFreedom, Communion, Lord's Supper, Participation, Spiritual Participation, Faith, Reformers, Eucharist, Sacraments, Ordinances, Unity, False Religion, Catholicism, Religious Associations, Idolatry, Meat offered to idols
1 Corinthians 10:1-14 Christian Liberty (3)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteFreedom, Idolatry, Sin, John Owen, Be killing sin, Temptation, War, Overconfidence, Danger, Warning, Israel, Wilderness, Meat offered to idols
1 Corinthians 9:1-27 Christian Liberty (2)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteRights, Freedom, Gospel, Mission, Compensation, Finances, Salary, Christian Ministry, Money, Preaching, Vocation, Living on Mission
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Christian Liberty (1)
1 CorinthiansTim WhiteFreedom, Gray Areas, Conscience, Right and Wrong, Decisions, Issues, Meat offered to idols, Idolatry, Idols, Temptation, Sin, Love, Brother, Weaker Brother, Romans 14-15
Isaiah 43:14 - 44:23 Witnesses of God
Jesus is Condemned as King Mark 15:1-20
MarkTim WhiteKing of the Jews, Condemned, Barabbas, Gospel, Substitution, Sin, Envy, Desire for Approval, Anger, Cultural Lies, Crowd, Freedom, Forgiveness
Jesus Confirms His Identity through His Power Mark 4:35-5:43
MarkTim WhitePower, Miracles, Identity, Purpose, Mission, Reverse, Curse, Storms, Fear, Bondage, Sin, Sickness, Disease, Death, Grief, Resurrection, Healing, Freedom, Problems, Bigger
Sonship in Christ Romans 8:12-17
RomansTim WhiteSons of God, Sonship, Sanctification, Spirit, Assurance, Leadership, Abba, Motivation, Freedom, War with Sin, Sin, Obedience, Law of God
Freedom in Christ Romans 8:1-4
Released from the Law Romans 7:1-6
Slaves of Righteousness Romans 6:15-23
Romans, Romans 1Tim WhiteSin, Slaves, Slavery, Addiction, Righteousness, Freedom, Sanctification, Fruit, Gospel
Freedom through Christ Colossians 2:16-23
ColossiansTim WhiteTim White, Freedom, Grace, Gospel, False Religion, Philosophy, Works, Legalism, Rules, Rest
The Zeal of Christmas Isaiah 9:2-7 (Lessons and Carols)
Occasional SermonsTim WhiteChristmas, Lessons and Carols, Gospel, King, Jesus, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, Justice, Freedom, Tim White
What the Law Could Not Do Romans 8:1-4
Guest SpeakersTim WhiteGod, Jesus, Gospel, Law, Grace, Sin, Righteousness, Forgiveness, Condemnation, Judgment, Freedom, In Christ, Salvation