Psalm 10 Waiting for Justice
Psalms, Psalm 1Tim WhiteJustice, Delay, Problem of Evil, Suffering, Affliction, Oppression, Righteous, Wicked, Justice of God, Trust, Wait, Persecution
Psalm 7 Responding to False Accusations
Psalms, Psalm 1Tim WhiteFalse Accusations, Injustice, Mistreatment, Response, Reasons, Justice, Judge, Enemies, Wicked, Upright, Righteous, Unrepentant, Trust, Refuge, Taking Refuge, Self Examination, Humility, Innocent
Isaiah 59 Redemption from God
IsaiahTim WhiteSeparation, Sin, Society, Injustice, Justice, Righteousness, Truth, Your Truth, Redeemer, Armor, Chaos, Grace, Spirit, Word, Indwelling Spirit, Servants
Isaiah 56-57 Grace for the Humble
IsaiahTim WhiteHumility, Grace, Contrite, Contrition, Repentance, Lowly, Poor in Spirit, Living in Between, Coming, Coming of Christ, Justice, Righteousness, Sabbath, Covenant, Obedience
Life with Enemies Romans 12:17-21
RomansTim WhiteEnemies, Retaliation, Avengers, Revenge, Evil, Good, Burning Coals, Grace, Justice, Hope, Overcome Evil, Jackie Robinson
Day of Judgment Romans 2:5-16
Romans, Romans 1Tim WhiteTim White, Judgment, Judge, Jesus, Savior, Eternal Life, Wrath, Wrath of God, Justice, Works, Good, Evil, Judgment Day
The Justice of God Malachi 2:17-3:6
MalachiTim WhiteTim White, Justice, Judgment, Holiness, Grace, Servant, Messenger, Covenant, Unfair, Injustice, Evil, Salvation
The Zeal of Christmas Isaiah 9:2-7 (Lessons and Carols)
Occasional SermonsTim WhiteChristmas, Lessons and Carols, Gospel, King, Jesus, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, Justice, Freedom, Tim White
Psalms of Lament Psalm 58
Sampler of the PsalmsTim WhitePsalms, Lament, Gospel, Sin, Hope, Confidence, Reality, Difficulty, Suffering, Trouble, Discouragement, Injustice, Deliverance, Depression, Joy, Justice, Imprecatory, Prayer, Tim White